This podcast will focus on becoming a more culturally-responsive and economically-responsible professor at the community college level. I will discuss specific teaching techniques, give practical classroom management advice and engage in meaningful dialogues about teaching and learning so that we may positively affect student-equity groups.
Podcasting since 2019 • 66 episodes
Latest Episodes
Ethnic Studies: The Teaching
This will be the last podcast for the foreseeable future. I need to engage the work of ethnic studies in my work, at my college, and in my community. It has truly been a blessing to serve you and I look forward to the next iteration...
Season 3
Episode 9
Ethnic Studies: 5 Core Competencies (pt2)
Ethnic studies, at its heart, must be about intersectionality, tying current events to multiple disciplines for analysis, and making a positive social change. If your class is not doing this, then it is not an ethnic studies class. ...
Season 3
Episode 8
Ethnic Studies: 5 Core Competencies
I cover 2 of the 5 core competencies in this episode. It is not enough to talk about culture or history to be considered an ethnic studies class. You must focus your class on power and how people liberate themselves from oppressive ...
Season 3
Episode 7
Ethnic Studies: The Requirement and How We Got Here
Ethnic Studies is in high demand in California. The California State University system has made it a requirement and this directly affects the community college system. Ethnic Studies is even being offered at the high school level.&...
Season 3
Episode 7