This podcast will focus on becoming a more culturally-responsive and economically-responsible professor at the community college level. I will discuss specific teaching techniques, give practical classroom management advice and engage in meaningful dialogues about teaching and learning so that we may positively affect student-equity groups.
Zoom: What is it Good For?
Bruce Hoskins, PhD
Season 2
Episode 1
Having spent more time on Zoom in the last few months has allowed me to really reflect on what it is good for and what we should avoid doing on it. Zoom is good for connecting with students. We should take advantage of the recording feature and we definitely need to use the chat feature to help with the spontaneous interactions. However, Zoom is not like a classroom. Everything takes longer to do on Zoom and so we have to be mindful of doing more with less. Lastly, we must remember that many of us are still not online teachers. Many of our students are not online students and we are STILL teaching during a global pandemic and incredible social upheaval.